Saturday, July 11, 2009
day of rest in words
its amazing how happy the simple things in life can bring for my husband and me. we are always so happy when we are near the ocean.
he lets me shoot a million pix and doesnt mind when i go off on long walks to get good shots.
im happiest with my camera in hand and on a search for images that fit into my projects.
last but not least, my work is going beyond the technical and moving into more creative.
after saying this, i still want to learn my way around a small studio lighting setup.
i love these color images ive been working on. after all i am a chaser of the light and an observer of the dark.
Friday, July 10, 2009
i head a poet say tonight, after someone told him that his most powerful work had been written recently. he replied " i owe it to cooking life down, its like making a flavorful sauce, it needs to cook down reduce to be the richest deepest and complex."
ding ding ding .... i totally got that, it gave me hope and inspiration.
shadow ghosts
wow i just logged into this blog and its been awhile. i guess ive been giving alot of attention to my tumblr blog.
i want to thank all of you for such nice and supportive comments ! i figured people werent looking anymore, as a matter of fact i was thinking of deleting this blog, maybe i wont !
Thursday, April 9, 2009
i hate flickr !
“ actually flickr sux, i wish i didn’t renew my membership. its all about the “comment whoring and jealousy. yuk !”
i made all my thousands of images only visible to me.
its just a load of crap.
lots of mediocre work.
i always live by the rule of " surround yourself with greatness and you will be great as well.
i do not want to be held back. i can do a great job of that myself.
looking for a mentor
its exciting to think i could find a seasoned photog to mentor me even at my age.
i think i'm beginning to threaten ppl with my work, its lonely. One person said " my progress is annoying"
i say to all the haters ... pfft aint nothin but a g thang.
5D markII
after shooting with it for about 3 weeks now , i am finally getting used to it.
loving the detail, low light potential and color it produces and its awesome to shoot with a clean sensor !
the old 5D always had a dusty sensor no matter how much i carefully cleaned it
( copperhill method ).
it also seems that the flash gives a better result with this camera. i am thrilled with it so far.
and no grip errors ( knock wood )
Friday, March 13, 2009
baby paul
this is my friends newborn baby 2 weeks old. i fell in love with his sweet lil face. i'm so happy for jen and harry congrats !!
Monday, February 23, 2009
found my niche
my day job is suffering because of this economic crisis. i'm trying to stay positive. so i decided to go up to the "tents" in NYC to shoot some Fashion Week stuff.
it was very interesting to see the dynamics of the "other" photographers, star gawkers, models, fashionistas, and celebs. there were plenty of self important stompers : )
i decided to keep my focus, and not shoot "fashion" shots and to keep it personal.
what emerged were portraits , i got people to connect to me. it was great practice. and of course the benefit was that i had beautiful people to photograph ... and once again found my niche, portraiture.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
ups and downs
sometimes i chug along within my work thinking i am making good progress. really liking what i am producing. things happen i get some recognition, small jobs, it seems like progress .... mmmm not so much.
today i step back. i have questions. i can not let outside opinions influence my confidence. i don't want to give up. i fear the rejects. but also welcome it. i think people underestimate me, always have. this time I will not underestimate myself.
my eyes are wide open to the wrong paths.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Re Think
I wrote earlier how i felt about recent lack of comments or comments that have nothing to do with the subject at hand yet more about the commenter.
Dont misunderstand i never let this effect my work as a matter of fact it fuels the engine ! So i guess thanks for the selfishness !!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Posting - thought
so many thoughts in my head tonight.
the first thing i want to say is ... or maybe ask..... is it all that beneficial to post my images to flickr and other sites of the like ?
the main reason i did it in the beginning was to get my stuff out there, and to get comments from my peers-fellow shooters and other interested viewers. but after doing so for a few years now i realize, yes i see my progress, yes its been helpful. but now i think its working to distract me. some jealousies appear from people or maybe its competition cloaked in insecurity, its hurtful to me and my work.
for now i am backing off and concentrating on more focused collaborations.
i went out saturday for a few hours to shoot street alone, these images are for the most part devoid of emotion sort of standoffish.... exactly the way i was feeling in the moment.
Friday, January 30, 2009
street photography article on 15x100 site
My dear friend Michael Vandertol asked me to write something on my street stuff. I was flattered and enlightened. I think it was a great introduction to the 15x100 group and to the few who read it.
click for link to article
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
the process
i have been asked to write a short essay of sorts about my street stuff. at first i was a bit taken back because i don't really consider myself a street photographer.
interestingly enough i realized i was in denial. somehow in the back of my mind being a street photographer has some stigma attached to it, along with expectations to make bold social statements, raw and full of impact, but maybe they're my own.
my images are more subtle without a social statement, more of a psychological one. this exercise was eye opening, i really never put into words how my process evolves.
thanks to michael vandertol for pulling it out of me .
Monday, January 19, 2009
winter of change
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."President Barack Obama